From bandits to Markov Decision Processes
Markov Decision Processes and Markov Reward Processes are different!
!Markov Reward Process
!Markov Decision Process -
Markov Reward Process vs. Markov Decision Process
- MRP没有Agent, 也就是没有action, 从一个状态跳到下一个状态完全由系统的概率决定; MDP有Agent, Agent会做出相应的action, action就是策略, 也是一个概率函数.
- 不同于马尔可夫奖励过程,在马尔可夫决策过程中,通常存在一个智能体来执行动作。例如,一艘小船在大海中随着水流自由飘荡的过程就是一个马尔可夫奖励过程,它如果凭借运气漂到了一个目的地,就能获得比较大的奖励;如果有个水手在控制着这条船往哪个方向前进,就可以主动选择前往目的地获得比较大的奖励。马尔可夫决策过程是一个与时间相关的不断进行的过程,在智能体和环境 MDP 之间存在一个不断交互的过程。
Agent - Environment Interaction Loop
This image describes the structure of Agent-Environment Loop which can be seen as the basic of reinforcement learning.
- Agent will
- receives State over time t
- selects an Action
- receives Reward
- receives State over time t
- Repeat the decision process and we can get a sequence:
Goals, Rewards and Returns
如果只考虑现在的状态为s,那么从上一步能到s的transition有很多, 都可以到现在的状态s,而 只考虑一种。
- Our goal is not maximising immediate reward but cumulative rewards, which can be called as return.
表示在时刻t所获得的奖励reward, 表示从 t 时刻状态 开始一直到终止,所有的奖励之和称之为 return - Typically we use discounted return:$$G_{t}=R_{t+1}+\gamma R_{t+2}+\gamma^{2}R_{t+3}+\ldots=\sum_{i=0}^{\infty}\gamma^{i}R_{t+i+1}$$
- Why we use discounted return?
- it's used to handle the trade-off between immediate rewards and future rewards.
- Preference for Immediate Rewards: immediate rewards are considered more valuable than future rewards, so we use discounted rewards to weaken the impact future on the present.
- Infinite Horizon Problems: some MDPs have infinite steps while return will be also infinite without discounted rate.
- We can express
in terms of future returns: -
- Although it is a sum of an infinite number of terms, it's still finite if the reward is nonzero and constant while
- Why we use discounted return?
Episodic and non-episodic returns
Policy and Value functions
A policy g is a strategy that the agent uses to decide which action to take at each state which means a mapping from states to actions.
Almost all reinforcement learning use value-funtion/ state-value function to estimate how good the policy is. And how good is defined in terms of expected returns.
- Deterministic Policy: A deterministic policy provides a specific action for each state. This can be represented as: $$a = \pi(s)$$This formula means that, given state
, the policy will always choose action . - Stochastic Policy: A stochastic policy provides a probability distribution over possible actions for each state. This can be represented as:$$\pi(a\mid s)=\operatorname*{Pr}\left{A_{t}=a\mid S_{t}=s\right}$$
Value function
分为两种 state value function and action value function
- value: 一个状态的期望回报(即从这个状态出发的未来累积奖励的期望)被称为这个状态的价值。
- value function: 所有状态的价值就构成了价值函数。输入为某个状态,输出这个状态对应的价值。
- value和return之间的关系:我觉得return强调的是采取某一个确定的策略所获得的奖励之和,不考虑action的概率,只考虑这条策略涉及到的;value强调的是所有从这个状态出发所获得的所有的奖励之和,不考虑采取了何种策略,”计算这一步棋的代价期望“。
State-value function:
Definition: the expected reward of a state under a given policy. It will be used to evaluate how good is the state.
为什么这里的state value需要求一个期望?因为策略
继续推导state-value function公式:$$\begin{aligned}
v_{\pi}(s) & =\mathbb{E}{\pi}\left[G \mid S_{t}=s\right] \
& =\mathbb{E}{\pi}\left[R+\gamma G_{t+1} \mid S_{t}=s\right] \
& =\sum_{a} \pi(a \mid s) \sum_{s^{\prime}} \sum_{r} p\left(s^{\prime}, r \mid s, a\right)\left[r+\gamma \mathbb{E}{\pi}\left[G \mid S_{t+1}=s^{\prime}\right]\right] \
& =\sum_{a} \pi(a \mid s) \sum_{s^{\prime}, r} p\left(s^{\prime}, r \mid s, a\right)\left[r+\gamma v_{\pi}\left(s^{\prime}\right)\right] \text { for all } s \in \mathcal{S}
表示采取策略pi时可能出现的所有的action 表示在确定一种action时,出现的所有的下一状态 和相应的reward 时对应的概率
Action value function
q_{\pi}(s, a) & =\mathbb{E}{\pi}\left[G \mid S_{t}=s, A_{t}=a\right] \
& =\mathbb{E}{\pi}\left[\sum^{\infty} \gamma^{i} R_{t+i+1} \mid S_{t}=s, A_{t}=a\right] \
& =\mathbb{E}{\pi}\left[R+\gamma G_{t+1} \mid S_{t}=s, A_{t}=a\right] \
& =\sum_{s^{\prime}, r} p\left(s^{\prime}, r \mid s, a\right)\left[r+\gamma \mathbb{E}{\pi}\left[G \mid S_{t+1}=s^{\prime}, A_{t+1}=a^{\prime}\right]\right] \
& =\sum_{s^{\prime}, r} p\left(s^{\prime}, r \mid s, a\right)\left[r+\gamma \sum_{a^{\prime}} \pi\left(a^{\prime} \mid s^{\prime}\right) q_{\pi}\left(s^{\prime}, a^{\prime}\right)\right]
Relationship between and
最后可以得到两者的关系: $$\begin{array}{c}{{\displaystyle v_{\pi}(s)=E_{\pi}\left[G_{t}\mid S_{t}=s\right]}}\ {{\displaystyle=\sum_{a}\pi\big(a|s\big)q_{\pi}(s,a)}}\end{array}$$
Backup diagram
Bellman equation
Transition Matrix
表示从 到 的概率 - 矩阵中所有的行的概率之和为1
Bellman equation in matrix form
The Bellman equation can be expressed concisely using matrices:
然后可以直接得到线性解:$$V = (1-\gamma P)^{-1}R$$
Computational complexity is
- 如何得到matrix form?
Bellman equation for optimal value
The core formula is: $$v_{}(s)=,\mathrm{max},q_{}(s,a)$$
Optimal equation for
注意这里是以action为对比项, 而不是以state项!
optimal action-value function
!Backup diagram for optimal value function
!Backup diagram for optimal action-value function
注意这里的的两个max并不是一样的位置, 对于state value function而言, 取的是q的最大值, 因此应在最外层也就是第一层; 而对于state action value 而言, 同样取的是q的最大值, 而此时的q在第二层, 所以这个max要在括号里面.
Exercise 2
用到了这个公式: $$G_{t}=\sum_{k=0}^{\infty}\gamma^{k}={\frac{1}{1-\gamma}}$$
- Now it changes to a episode task not a continue task, we could calculate the new value function as followed:This means every new state value function will not add a same constant term rather term with respect to episode length T.
is probabilistic policy that is greedy, is a deterministic policy, prove for all state s